KurlMastery Coaching Sessions
Work With Me & Make Natural Hair Care Easy!
Ready to make natural hair care easy, but don’t know where to start or how to do it?
Let me help you:
- Fully embrace the beauty and potential of your curls
- Save time & simplify your hair care routine
- Understand the unique characteristics of your natural hair
- Build confidence in your ability to care for your natural hair
- Set realistic goals and expectations for your natural hair
- Comfortably master natural hair care!
Work with me, and I will show you exactly what it takes to dispel all the myths and misconceptions about natural hair care to finally achieve the healthy curls and confidence you desire.
Without the wasted time, struggle, or confusion!
What does a pharmacist know about hair care?

Beyond my ability to dissect the big words and understand ingredients, my intimate knowledge of the facts enables me to deal with the “complexities” of natural hair care, dispel myths, and empower you to succeed on your natural journey.
Knowing where to go to get the facts and how to break them down seamlessly so you can understand makes me excellent at what I do! The clinical skill and know-how I have developed over the last 15 years of breaking down the complex with facts and making things simple. That’s why this comes so naturally to me.
And did I mention I’ve been where you are and had the same struggles, insecurities, and frustrations? Now, I know exactly what it takes to change the trajectory of your natural experience and empower you to get the curls, freedom, and confidence you desire.
It’s my pleasure to assist you in removing significant barriers to your success and give you the tools, support, and access necessary to confidently and comfortably master natural hair care.
So, yeah, I’m qualified, ready, and willing to give you the tools you need to succeed on your natural journey!
Book a discovery call today!
If you’re interested in working with me and want to ensure we’re a perfect match, schedule your call today to learn how I can help you make natural hair care EASIER!
Natural hair Care Coaching Sessions
Ready to make the transition to intentional curl care? My KurlMastery Coaching sessions are exactly what you need.
Over the course of 4 sessions, I’ll empower you to realize the beauty and potential of your curls, become intentional about their care, and confidently and comfortably manage your natural hair.
What is a KurlMastery Coaching Session?
I’m glad you asked!
A KurlMastery Coaching session teaches my signature approach to making natural hair care easier! A service with me includes education and training on how to care for your curls and manage your hair in a way that will help you build confidence, save time, and simplify your natural hair routine.
While my single sessions are a great way to troubleshoot problems, the Natural Hair Care Coaching Bundle is what you need if you want consistent training to cultivate and perfect the skills necessary to confidently and comfortably care for your curls.
Over the course of four weeks, we will:
- Address mindset and limitations to success
- Help you understand more about your specific curls
- Empower you to become more intentional with product selection and creating a regimen that is right for your hair.
- focus on technique and consistency with your curl care regimen
- Address any issues you may encounter surrounding application, understanding,. and remaining consistent on your natural journey.
KurlMastery Coaching Bundle
Learn to be comfortable and confident where ever you go
- 4 one-on-one curl care sessions with Dr. Kristal (1hr)
- Topics: Understanding your hair’s needs and setting realistic expectations, cultivating an intentional and effective hair care plan/schedule, trouble shooting and turning losses into lessons.
- Includes one free Kurlfriend check-in session to troubleshoot problems once complete (30min)
- Bundle pricing: $97/session (when paid in full)
Wash Day Coaching Bundle
Making wash day so simple you can’t get it wrong
- 4 one-on-one wash day training and stying sessions includes education & building an intentional curlcare plan with Dr. Kristal (3hr)
- Topics: Understanding your hair’s needs and setting realistic expectations, mastering wash day technique, cultivating an intentional and effective wash day plan/schedule, trouble shooting and turning losses into lessons.
- Includes one free Kurlfriend check-in session to troubleshoot problems once complete (30min)
- Bundle pricing: $157/session (when paid in full)