Tired of The Mid-Week Refresh, Try This…
Hey, curlfriends! I take my mission to help you save time, build confidence and make natural hair care easy very seriously. That’s why I’m sharing my super easy solution to a mid-week refresh. That’s right, curlfriends! Mid-week refreshes are no longer a part of my natural hair routine. And don’t have to be a part of yours, either.
Simple solutions
Today I want to free you from the burden of perfection and provide simple solutions that help you save time, build confidence, and cultivate a more enjoyable natural experience. So, Instead of a mid-week refresh (or reapplying product every time a curl gets out of place), try this on your natural hair…grant yourself some grace and throw on your favorite natural hair accessory!
Honestly, curlfriends, we take the need to have near-perfect curls all the time too seriously. It’s unrealistic and a driving factor in our frustrations on our natural journeys. I know social media and heavy advertising make us feel that perfection is the goal of natural hair care. Thankfully, it is not.
I understand you want to be comfortable wearing your hair out, and you can be. Still, our expectations must be realistic, and we must grant ourselves grace to succeed.
The secret to success
Reading this, you may be inclined to give me the side eye. You might wonder how I manage to keep it simple, skip all product reapplication sessions, and maintain my curl definition throughout the week. Here’s the secret…The right mindset, techniques, products, practices, and tools make all the difference in your natural journey.
I’ve discovered them and made it my mission to help you experience them as well. If you’re serious about ditching the mid-week or daily product reapplication sessions, I am here to serve you! Click here to discover my game-changing natural hair resource, or connect with me in-store or online line at Bold Kulture Beauty and get the tools, support, and access necessary to save time, build confidence, and make natural hair care EASY!