Why I Stopped Using Heavy Oils and Butters
As tightly coiled naturals, one of the biggest complaints that you’ll usually hear is that our hair is dry. The nature of our tightly coiled strands can create some challenges where hydration is…
Bold Kulture Beauty: 2020 Vision
We are moving into the new year and I want to do it bigger and better than ever! We’re bringing in new brands, expanding our services, and releasing more digital products to help…
Why I Stopped Co-washing My Hair
People are sometimes surprised when they find out what I don’t do to my hair. The common belief in the natural hair community is that there are certain holy grail steps that we…
Alcohols in Hair Care: Friend or Foe?
Intentional hair care is always the goal when it comes to selecting products and incorporating practices that will help your hair flourish. We’ve all read products labels and looked for key words when…
5 Key Points About Tightly Coiled Curls
Curls come in many different shapes and sizes. The diameter of your curls (or how large/small) your curl, kink, coil, or wave is can determine how tight your curls are. Tighter coils will…
Shedding vs. Hair Loss: Things to Consider
Hair loss, shedding, and thinning of the hair can be a big deal. For most of us, the idea of losing precious strands often puts us on edge. For those who carry the…
Silicones and Natural Hair Care: What You Need to Know
The presence of product build-up can either make or break your hair style. I’ve talked at length about heavy oils and butters and how they can affect hydration levels and the overall health…
The “D” Word: Understanding What Causes Hair Damage
Our goal on this journey is (or at least should be) healthy natural hair. While damage usually isn’t intentional. It sometimes can be the result of our own ignorance, negligence, or over ambitious…
Fighting Frustrations on Your Natural Hair Journey
Having been natural for the past several years, I know how challenging navigating this natural journey can be. Especially when there doesn’t seem to be a clear path or reliable sources that you…
Let’s Be Real: Setting Realistic Expectations for Your Natural Hair
This is our moment of clarity, a lot of our frustrations about our hair stems from the fact that we are basing our expectations off of someone else’s reality and not our own.…