A Safe Space For All Curls
Hey Curlfriends,
Could you imagine a place where natural hair care was EASY? A safe space for all curls where you can get the tools, support, and access you need to cultivate the natural experience you desire. How dope would it be to get answers that produced results? No old wives’ tales, wasted time, or excessive trial and error. Just facts to help you save time, build confidence, and make natural hair care EASY!
Sounds amazing, right?
Well, congratulations, you’re here!
The place I wished I had when I started my natural journey and the place I know my curlfriends need.
I started Bold Kulture Beauty with a specific vision in mind. In creating this safe space, I soon realized that my curlfriends’ battle was more significant than hair care. It was bigger than curl definition, dryness, length retention, and longevity in our styles.
The battle was more significant, and my vision needed to be more prominent. I needed more than a blog, email list, or even a physical location to have the desired level of impact. I needed to go all in by providing full access to more curlfriends!
What I was facing
My curlfriends struggled with trauma from years of misconceptions about their hair and jacked-up beliefs that forced them to think that their curls weren’t beautiful. Misleading narratives told them that showing up themselves wasn’t enough and their beauty wasn’t beautiful.
I understood the struggle because I fought this battle as well.
Through my struggles and the struggles of the curlfriends I have helped, I realized that the best way to accomplish your goals, embrace your curls, and make natural hair care easy was not alone.
We needed a community!
The Mission
A safe space for all curls and the people who love them, this community would be a haven for my curlfriends—designed to help them do and achieve the best for their natural hair.
My mission would be simple, help my Curlfriends embrace the fullness of their beauty, build confidence, and fully love themselves.
I’ve learned that we are our best selves when operating in and embracing every part of who we were meant to be. For many of us, specifically my curlfriends and the ones I’m here to serve, that includes loving our natural hair…
The Solution
Staying true to my mission, I’ve created a safe space for all curls. An extension of Bold Kulture Beauty, a community that allows my curlfriends to ask the hard question they want to know about natural hair care, and where we can support each other on our journeys to embracing our curls and making natural hair care EASY.
If you’re tired of the status quo, feeling held captive to your natural hair, or you’re just ready to abandon the things that don’t make sense and make natural hair care easy, I’ve created this space just for you!
I know what it feels like to be no longer bound by what others think of you and your natural hair. And I want you to experience it too!
I’m Dr. Kristal Cunningham, clinical pharmacist, transformational curl care specialist, and the founder of Bold Kulture Beauty. I exist to help you embrace the fullness of your beauty, build confidence, and love yourself fully.
I’ve cultivated a safe space for education and community, and I promise to provide the tools and resources you need to embrace who you are and confidently pursue your best self.
If you’re ready to become a curlfreind that wins, I invite you to connect. Visit me online, stop by the store, and join my new Facebook group. Experience what it means to save time, build confidence, and make natural hair care EASY!
It’s time to become a curlfriend that WINS!
If you’re reading this, I know you’re ready. I’ll see you soon!