The Start-up
For those of you that don’t know me, I’m Kristal and I’m new to this. Currently at the corner of imagination and innovation, but swiftly approaching the realization of a dream. The Idea for this blog was born out of the need to create a dialogue about beauty and haircare, that would will ultimately lead to a really awesome personal care experience. And, while I won’t spill all of the tea just yet, I will tell you that this is something that you will definitely want to be a part of.

What I am not….. I am not stylist, I am not a beauty influencer, and I am not a MUA. I guess I could be, but then this would be too easy. I am an everyday woman who has often been intimidated by today’s beauty standards, who has noticed the lack of representation, who realizes she is beautiful beyond (and despite) what is depicted in mainstream media, and who knows that I am not the only one.
I have dabbled in trends both hair and beauty, that though not necessarily specific to me have created experiences that I would like to share simply because I can. And so now, despite some fears, significant procrastination mixed with a little hesitation, and a little bit of insecurity, I have decided to share with you some things I’ve learned in the struggle. Some of you who continue on this journey with me can relate, some may think I’m crazy, and some may learn a thing or two. At any rate, stick it out with me, engage me in dialogue, and encourage me to keep going.
I can’t promise you it won’t be deep (although it is about hair and beauty so there’s that), It may be funny at times, or it may be whack (although I doubt it). You may disagree with me or you may love what I’m saying. While I can’t give many guarantees, I can promise that I will be honest and 100% me!
In my best Ms. Celie voice “I’m poor, black; I may even be ugly. But dear God! I’m here! I’m here!”