Fighting Frustrations on Your Natural Hair Journey
Having been natural for the past several years, I know how challenging navigating this natural journey can be. Especially when there doesn’t seem to be a clear path or reliable sources that you can lean on during times of uncertainty, frustration, and confusion.
If this sounds familiar, then you’re in the right place. At Bold Kulture Beauty, we alleviate the stress and frustration associated with natural hair care, and empower you to feel beautiful and be confident knowing that you have the tools you need to be successful on your natural beauty journey.
Through this journey I have learned how starting with a solid foundation makes a big difference in how comfortable and confident you will be.
Get ready to take notes as we explore how setting a solid foundation and focusing on where you’re going will help you eliminate frustrations and be more confident on this natural journey.
It is never too late to set a strong foundation

No matter where you are on this journey, it is never too late to reevaluate what you’ve been told and readjust your thinking concerning your natural hair.Experience has shown me that a lot of the things I thought I knew concerning natural hair care were not necessarily true and were actually causing more frustrations and hindering me from being successful. To find out if what you think you know about natural hair care could be slowing your progress check out “Debunked.”
Once I realized that my foundation was off, my mind was blown; but with some minor readjustments and a mindset change, I was able to switch my focus, become more intentional about my hair care, and eliminate some major frustrations.
Why am I so chill about my natural journey? Well, honestly, I learned how to build a solid foundation based on knowing my hair and keeping it simple. This journey is only as complex as we make it. Now is the time to set a solid foundation and get back to the basics.
Realize this journey is a process and change doesn’t happen over night

Great! So, I’ve done the work to learn about my hair, I’ve freed myself from the burden of comparison, and now I’m waiting on results. It seems like I am constantly stuck in the same position. When am I going to see the fruits of my labor? Sound familiar? When we do all “the thing,” we expect everything to align perfectly and then magically we will instantly get the results we have always desired.
Unfortunately, it may take time for you to fully realize the benefits of the work you’ve put in. The good news? Everything you’ve done and are doing is working to make you more comfortable and confident on your natural journey. All the little things add up, and sometimes you don’t notice them individually. But collectively, these seemingly small things are making a big difference in the overall look and health of your hair.
Looking for a little extra encouragement? Compare photos from the beginning of your journey until now, while you may not be able to appreciate the changes on a daily basis, the difference is always visible when you compare where you’ve started to where you are now.
Always remember that this journey is a process, it requires continual effort and some patience. We have to be realistic about our hair, our expectations for its performance, and give ourselves the grace to grow on this process. When we really begin to know our hair, love our hair, and set realistic expectations, it eliminates a lot of frustrations makes the journey that much easier.
If you need advice on how to navigate your journey, Bold Kulture Beauty offers online consultations to help you reach your destination.
We would love to help you. Visit us today at BoldKulture.com to get started. We look forward to giving you the tools you need to be successful on your natural journey.