changed my curls

How focusing on health changed my curls

Question of the week:  How do you identify healthy curls?

This week’s question of the week helps us discover that the health of our curls goes beyond appearance. In the early stages of my natural journey, I spent too much time focusing on the wrong thing. Always chasing the perfect look, I quickly became frustrated and dissatisfied with my natural hair.

Through experience, I now know that the health of my hair can affect its appearance, but also involves so many other things. Once I stopped chasing a look, my pursuit of healthy hair changed my curls for the better.   

The benefits

You’re probably wondering how changing my focus changed my curls. The answer is simple. Once I focused on what was important, I began to do what allowed my hair to thrive. I was no longer chasing a look or lacking understanding about my hair and its specific needs. I became laser-focused and intentional about caring for my hair. As a result, over time, my hair became more defined and manageable, and I began to enjoy all of the telltale signs of genuinely healthy hair.

Things I’ve learned that changed my curls

My natural experience has taught me a lot of things both about myself and about my hair. Here are some of the more valuable lessons that changed my curls once I shifted my focus to healthy hair.

  • Expectations matter – You have to set realistic expectations for your hair. Doing this allows the goals you’ve set to be obtainable. Obtainable goals make a more enjoyable natural experience.
  • Knowing the key characteristics of your hair is vital – we can’t appreciate and nurture what we don’t’ understand. Learning about my hair changed my curls, and the way I cared for them.
  • Products can be misleading. –Some products will create the appearance of health without improving the condition of your hair. Sadly, this could lead to more damage. When used correctly, the right products create an environment where your hair thrives. Knowing what the right products are and how to use them is essential  
  • Healthy hair is more than shine and length – Yes, healthy hair grows, and for some, it will even be shiny, but what is true for some is not valid for all. Many are struggling to achieve something their hair, even in its healthiest state, is not designed to do.
  • Healthy hair always wins – long or short, fine or thin, shiny, or with a sheen when we focus on the overall health of our hair, all other goals will be attainable.

Changing my focus and bad habits required some patience, consistency,  and a new way of thinking. Luckily I was able to let go of the misconceptions that I entered this natural journey with and learn some vital facts about caring for my natural hair.

You don’t have to just read about my curl changing experience. You can create your own as well! Don’t wait, get the tools you for success at Bold Kulture Beauty.