Enjoyable wash Day kids

5 Steps For An Enjoyable Wash Day With Kids

Hey Curlfriends!

Could you imagine a stress-free wash day experience for your tiny curlfriend that didn’t take all day, required minimum effort, and was enjoyed by you and your child?

It’s possible, and getting there is easier than you think!

Wash days with kids can be riddled with complexity and stress. In addition to their thin patience, you’re probably doing too much. You may believe the extra work is helping. Unfortunately, In most cases, it’s adding steps, complicating the process, and providing little benefit.

If you desire a more enjoyable wash day experience with your kids today, I’m offering you simple solutions you can use now to completely overhaul your wash days with kids.

Improving your wash day experience with kids

So, how do you get to a place where your efforts yield results, your time isn’t wasted, and you and your tiny curlfriend walk away happy? 

Easy! Keep it simple! 

When I say simple, I mean break it down to the basics. Shampoo, condition, detangle, and style. Focusing on the right work eliminates stress, and remaining consistent makes an enjoyable wash day more probable. Leave the tears, frustrations, and complex routines behind. It’s time to make wash day with your kids more fun.

Are you ready to experience a more enjoyable wash day with your kids? Check out my stress-free approach to mastering wash day with your tiny curlfriends below!

Keys to an enjoyable wash day with kids
  • Develop an intimate knowledge of your curls
  • Focus on what needs to be done and do it consistently
  • Improve your cleansing and conditioning technique
  • Skip the extra and unnecessary work
  • Invest in quality products

And that’s it! 

These essential practices empower you to eliminate struggles, alleviate stress, and cultivate an enjoyable wash day.

You may have been told to do several things before, during, and after the wash day process to ensure specific results. Adding steps is not necessary and will always make the process more difficult. Bonus tip: take a close look at how you’re approaching wash day and eliminate the things that aren’t serving you. This will help you save time and eliminate some significant points of stress.

Creating an enjoyable wash day experience begins with knowledge. Knowing your curls and your tiny curlfriend’s curls leads to intentionality. Intentionality takes the guesswork out of wash day and opens the way for an enjoyable and stress-free experience. 

The beauty of following these practices is that they’re universal and apply to all curls regardless of texture, surface texture, or density You can even use them for yourself as well. Practice them consistently, and watch your wash days become less complex. 

Now that you know what to do, I can show you exactly how to apply it to get the desired results! If you’re a parent or caregiver of a tiny curlfriend and need help making their natural experience easier, join me in my Facebook group to get the tools, support, and access you need to succeed!

Ready to work with me one on one? Visit, Bold culture Beauty, Schedule an appointment, and let’s get started Today!
