Food For Thought: Will Adding Food Products to My Hair Make It Grow?
Throughout my natural journey one of the recurring themes that kept popping up on my quest for healthy hair was the addition of food items to your hair care regimen. Every week, it seemed a new hair craze surfaced that encouraged us to mix, blend, strain, mash, and slather some food item on our hair. The idea was usually presented by some one remotely popular who had a head of beautifully healthy hair.
The quest for equally beautiful hair and dreams of reaching our “hair goals” often spurred us to action leaving all caution and reason behind. If this sounds familiar, don’t be ashamed. It has probably been all of us at one time or another during our natural hair journey. The one thing I’ve learned throughout this natural journey is that all advice is not sound or rooted in facts or truth. The next time you are tempted by the latest craze, consider these few things before rushing out to the grocery store to raid the produce and dairy aisles.
Hair is not a living tissue.
That’s right. Hair as we know it is dead, while tiny blood vessels supply nourishment to the follicle and root, once the hair breaks through the skin it is no longer alive. These collections of dead cells, lovingly referred to as hair strands, cannot perform any of the duties assigned to the other living organs that are present within our body’s structure. Simply stated, our hair cannot absorb or metabolize any of the nutritional benefits ascribed to the various food products applied directly to it.
The scalp, though it is a living organ, has a protective layer (as does all of your skin) that prevents it from absorbing most nutrients found in, creams, oils, butters, and food masks that are applied topically. In both cases the molecules are too large and would require additional breakdown in order for then to be effective. So, what does applying food to the hair actually do? Not much beyond coating the strands, preventing it from receiving moisture from the atmosphere, and lending itself to build up and bacteria growth.
The gut is your body’s primary location for nutrient absorption.
While I am not negating the health benefits of any of the food items that have been utilized for hair health. it’s how that food is used which makes all the difference. Scientific research shows that the majority of nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine, those nutrients are then absorbed into the blood stream and distributed to your living organs via your blood flow. Food, as it as originally intended, is most useful to your scalp and hair when it is consumed, metabolized, and absorbed in your gut. In other words, if you’re going to spend money on sweet potatoes, eggs, mayonnaise, avocados, olive oil, coconuts, and other exotic fruits and vegetables, you should put that food where it’s most useful – in your mouth.
A healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, and healthy hair care regimen are the keys to healthy natural hair.
Food is most useful when we consume it, regular exercise contributes to the overall health of our bodies, and healthy hair care practices coupled with healthy living create an environment where your hair can flourish. Our hair often endures significant abuse in the name of achieving health and growth. We are so desperate for a quick fix or remedy that we neglect the resources that we have readily available at our disposal.
Hair care should be simple, we tend to over complicate things when we neglect the facts and seek out alternative ways to expedite our natural hair goals. Your natural hair journey may seem slow and stagnant at times, but if we focus on achieving and maintaining healthy hair using factual advice, a consistent regimen, and quality hair care products we can reach our hair goals.
Let’s keep it simple, stay consistent, and together we can reach our hair care goals! Until next week, GO BOLDLY!!!
- The Science of Black Hair: A Comprehensive Guide to Textured Hair Care(Standard Edition: Black & White)
- https://www.jidsponline.org/article/S0022-202X(15)52655-9/fulltext
- https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9284/3/4/34
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4387693/
- https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-ap/chapter/absorption/
- https://www.hairscientists.org/hair-and-scalp-conditions/nutrition-and-hair-health
- https://sciencebasedlife.wordpress.com/2011/09/09/do-vitamins-really-help-your-hair/