Hair & Beauty
All That Glitters: Simple Steps to Identify Healthy Curls
How do you identify healthy curls? For many, the health of our hair is based solely on appearance. This approach is not entirely wrong. However, all that glitters isn’t gold! Experience has taught…
The Big Let Down: Things to consider when your new styler fails
Has a popular product ever let you down? Our favorite brands have been busy! It seems like everywhere you turn, a new product gets released or a new brand launched with more intriguing…
Respect The CROWN: Ending Hair Discrimination
Have you ever experienced hair discrimination? While some of us move freely through life rocking our natural hair. The fact remains that for many, this is not the case. This sad truth is…
Dirty Curls: Simple Ways To Tell If Your Hair Is Clean
How do you know if your hair is clean? I’ve talked at length about the importance of shampoo and why a clean scalp is essential for meeting your hair goals. In the era…
Natural Hair Goals: Things We Should All Strive for
What goals have you set for your natural hair journey? More importantly, are you reaching them? I think it is safe to say that our goals can sometimes be very fluid, especially when…
Trusting the process: Your Natural Hair Journey
Are you trusting the process on your natural hair journey? Trusting the process on your natural hair journey can mean several things. What it doesn’t entail is inactivity. We often assume that trusting…
Natural Hair Products: Shopping on purpose
When it comes to natural hair care products can sometimes be a big deal. When we see beautiful curls, we immediately want to know what others are using in hopes to recreate a…
Balancing Wash Day And Your Schedule
How often are your washing your hair? I’m not talking mid-week refreshes or quick co-washes to wake up your curls. How often are you taking the time to cleanse your scalp and strands…
Natural Hair Care Made Easier
When it comes to natural hair care, where do you spend the majority of your time? Experience has taught me that it is very easy to get sucked down the rabbit hole of…
Color-Treated Curls: The Facts About Hair Color
Does changing the color of your hair damage it? For many naturals considering color-treated curls, this is a serious question. And rightfully so. We’ve invested a lot into our curls (time, tears, money,…