Hair Routines Social Distancing

Maintaining Hair Care Routines While Social Distancing

Times are changing, and for some of us, that means we may be safe inside for the foreseeable future. While many of us are trying to learn a new skill, start a business, or refocus on essential things. There are those of us who are maybe wondering if it is still necessary to pay attention to our hair.

The temptation to stop some forms of care have probably arisen, especially for many of us who think no one is watching anyway. This fact is true even for me. As I write this, I’m sitting in cut off’s barefoot and bare face enjoy the fact that I can take a little break from some of my regular routines.

While taking full of vantage of the option we have to relax and find peace is a necessity, we should not do so to the detriment of our healthy personal routines. Time may be on our side in this season, but we should use it wisely, continue to practice self-care, and remember to keep showing our hair some love.

This week we are taking a look at some of the staples of hair care and discussing why we should continue maintaining healthy hair routines during this season of social distancing.

What are the staples

There are somethings that your hair care routine cannot lack. These are what I referred to as the staples of hair care. If we’re not doing them, then we’re not caring for our hair. These simple yet necessary steps include cleansing, conditioning, detangling, and styling the hair, and doing it consistently.

Why it matters

I understand that washing your hair may not be high on your list of things to worry about during this time, but it is necessary to keep your usual hair care routine. Caring for your hair will not only ensure that your hair remains healthy, but it is also a great way to care for yourself and ensure that you stay healthy as well.

Maintaining a certain level of consistency in our hair care routines will help to prevent damage, loss, and breakage of your hair. When we aren’t consistently cleansing and conditioning our hair, we create an environment where bacteria can grow, inhibit hair growth, and negatively affect the health of our scalp.

A clean scalp is a basis for healthy hair success. When we allow dirt and debris to buildup on our scalps and hair, we create an environment that prevents our hair from thriving. Having healthy hair and reaching our hair care goals starts with maintaining consistency in our healthy hair practices. Give your hair the boost it needs to thrive and stay consistent with these hair care staples even when no one is watching.

Getting back on schedule

If you let a few days maybe weeks go by without maintaining your healthy hair routine, no worries, there’s no better time than now to get back to caring for your hair. This process does not have to be complicated or complex. It is as simple as getting up, grabbing your favorite products, hopping in the shower, and showing your curls some love.

Now is the time to refocus and get back on schedule by taking care of your hair. The first step is deciding to better by your hair, then you need to commit to it, and do it consistently.

Winning on wash day

If wash day was a challenge for you before, no worries, it does not have to be anymore. I have a solution for that as well. I understand how challenging wash day can be for some of us; it has been that way for me as too. The good news, I’ve learned a better way.

Trough being intentional with my hair care, I have learned to take a closer look at my wash day routine, focus on what’s important, and take an all-day process down to just about an hour. If part of your resistance to maintaining your wash day routine was how long it took or how complicated it had become, that doesn’t have to be an issue anymore.

In my latest digital product, Wash day 101, I’ve created a wash day course experience that will give you the tools you need for a successful wash day from start to style.

What are you waiting for? Don’t let social distancing keep you from maintaining your hair. Take back your time, remain consistent, and continue to focus on the health of your hair.

For more great tips on health hair practices, steps to simplify you hair care routine, and maintaining your hair care routines while social distancing and beyond, visit Bold Kulture Beauty and let’s start up a curly conversation.