Fresh Start: Part 2 Hitting Reset
Hitting Reset on Your Natural Hair Journey
One week into our fresh start journey, as we’ve begun to question everything, our minds are now open to the possibility of a better way to care for our hair. We now see that some things we thought were law may need further evaluation, and with an open mind, we are committed to seeking out what’s best for our hair.
Too often, we assume that way things are is the way things have to be, but in most cases, that’s not true. Natural hair care comes with a full set of baggage, complete with misconceptions, misguided practices, and unrealistic expectations. If you want to be successful, you have to learn to examine what you know and make room for the possibility that there is a better way.
Last week, we looked at some simple ways to hit the reset button on our natural hair journey. This week, we’re jumping back in and exploring more great ways to create a fresh start, enjoy your journey, and simplify your natural hair routine.
1.Forget what you’ve heard
Let’s examine the messages you’ve received thus far on your natural hair journey? How have they impacted your decisions, and how have they influenced your way of thinking concerning your natural hair experience?
What if I told you that everything you heard about natural hair care is missing one vital truth?
If you’ve read my blog before or are familiar with Bold Kulture Beauty, I’m sure you can figure out what that truth is. Natural hair care can be easier! The most valuable message we can receive on this journey is that struggle is NOT a given. There is a better way to care for our hair, embrace our curls, and master natural hair care.
It’s time to forget what you’ve heard about the challenges of the natural hair experience. There may be a learning curve, it will require work, and some of your first attempts may not be perfect, but struggle, frustration, and overwhelm should not be the theme of your natural experience.
2.Evaluate your expectations
My first encounter with natural hair care was laced with big dreams and expectations beyond the capabilities of my hair. I was ambitious but lacked the foundation and understanding necessary to set realistic expectations, fully embrace my natural curls, and adequately care for my hair. The result, frustration, overwhelm, and confusion.
Sound familiar? Maybe your current natural experience is less than ideal, and you’re struggling to understand why. The disconnect usually begins when you set expectations for your curls without considering the characteristics of your hair, lifestyle, genetics, and the ways these factors contribute to how your hair looks, feels, and behaves.
To align your expectations, you have to be real with yourself, know more about your hair than the classification on a curl typing chart, and set expectations for your curls based on your genetics, lifestyle, hair’s health, and essential elements.
Is this necessary?
I know it sounds overwhelming and like a new process or practice that you need to add to your already overloaded hair care routine. Trust me when I tell you it is not! What you’re doing is beginning the process of intentionality. First, you forget all the misinformation and negative chatter. Then, you start getting real with yourself about your hair and setting realistic expectations. Before you know it, you’re slowly beginning to overhaul your entire approach to natural hair care.
It might seem like a lot now, but you are slowly opening the gates for a simplified, more efficient way to care for your hair. You’re lifting the burden of overwhelm and frustration and paving the way for a more enjoyable experience.
The great news, I’ve been where you are and came out triumphant. I know exactly what it takes to refresh your natural experience and have you confidently mastering natural hair care. Now is the perfect time to put these practical yet straightforward steps into practice. For the best results, visit Bold Kulture Beauty today and get the tools, access, and support you need to make natural hair care easy!
Need to catch up on this fresh start journey? Click here to read part 1.
The Curlfriend’s Guide It Could All be So Simple Wash Day 101
hitting reset natural hair journey