Simple Steps To Maximizing Consistency!
Hey, curlfriend, how consistent are you regarding what you’re doing to and for your curls? Are you maximizing your efforts when it comes to consistency?
Now I know I’ve talked at length about the things you should do consistently to and for your curls (if you need a refresher, you can read it here), but that’s not what I’m getting at today.
In my conversations with so many of you, I realized that some of my curlfriends struggle to be consistent, period. Knowing the proper work is one thing, but it is different from having a system that will help you do it repeatedly.
So how do you go from fair weather curl care to maximizing your efforts towards consistency?
I’m glad you asked!
Today we’re getting into simple steps that you can take immediately to help you become more consistent in caring for your curls.
If consistency has ever been a struggle for you, start here to begin killing it with consistency.
Identify what needs to be done.
OK, I couldn’t resist this one. I know that you must identify what you need to be consistent at in order to be consistent. This means addressing your curl’s characteristics, needs, and general best practices for curl care. This also means scrutinizing what you’re currently doing. The things you dread doing are only dreadful because they’re complicated by unnecessary steps. Removing the complicating factors will ultimately make the necessary things more palatable. Doing this will require a little bit of work. Let me know if you need help. I will be happy to assist you!
Now that we know what we need to do, when is the best time to do it? What is your life like? How busy are you, how active are you, and how much time would you like to devote to anything other than hair care? After you identify what your life looks like, you can easily relegate space and time in your schedule to care for your curls. The goal is to keep things simple. You shouldn’t have to block out hours of your day or have multiple routines. The idea is to make this as enjoyable as possible. Hopefully, natural hair care will become more like self-care for you, and trying to squeeze it in will no longer be an issue. Flexibility in your schedule is a must. Things will not always go as planned, and you must be able to adjust and be flexible (without disrupting your consistency) when it happens.
Be accountable
Once you’ve identified what to do and figured out how to squeeze it into your busy schedule, you need to stay committed to staying on task. Admittedly, reaching your curl goals and seeing the tangible results of your consistency should be enough, but let’s be honest. If it were, it would be easier to do. Progress on your natural journey takes time. Set small consistency goals and increase them once you hit your mark. As you wait to see the results hold yourself accountable for doing what you said you would do. Make your word to yourself more important than your word to anyone else. Track your progress to stay motivated, and when all else fails, get a curlfriend to hold you accountable.
Reward yourself
With consistency comes ease. This is a reward within itself. The more you practice caring for your curls, the easier it becomes and the more efficient you become at it. Your goals become a reality, and your struggles are minimized. On top of this, celebrate yourself and how far you’ve come on your natural journey. Remaining consistent and achieving your curl goals is worth celebrating. This is no easy task. Celebrate yourself because, curlfriend, you did that! Only you can decide what your reward should be, but make sure it’s good and encourages you to keep going.
Being consistent isn’t always easy, but now you have actionable steps that you can take immediately to start maximizing our efforts when it come to consistency on your natural journey.
If you need help sorting this all out or desire an accountability partner? I would love to help you! Visit Bold Kulture Beauty, schedule a discovery call, or download my eBook and get the tools you need to kill it with consistency and make natural hair care EASY!