Simple Strategies To Ease Tension When Your Child’s Hair Doesn’t Look Like Yours
Hey, curlfriends! Let’s talk about kids’ hair care. Tiny curlfriends, as I call can sometimes add a certain level of tension to any natural journey, specifically when their hair doesn’t match our own.
Especially when…
Your hair may be relaxed, you are a foster parent, a single parent, or the characteristics of their hair reside outside your comfort zone.
If you find yourself in this situation and it feels a little overwhelming. First, let me say you’re not alone. Take a deep breath. It gets better today!
Caring for your tiny curlfriend’s hair does not have to be overwhelming. You can help them embrace a significant part of their identity and keep them looking good. No more worrying about being judged as the parent that doesn’t know how to care for natural hair properly.
I’m here to help!
Parents, caregivers, and all others graced to care for their tiny curlfriend’s crown; this post is dedicated to you!
I’ve seen and heard enough to know that the struggle can be real and the tensions high regarding caring, embracing, and supporting our tiny curlfriends and their natural journey.
Today we’re going to address simple strategies to ease the tension when your child’s hair doesn’t look like your own.
I know you’re ready to make this experience as enjoyable as possible. Here are some simple strategies you can do right now to ease tension, save time, build confidence, and make caring for their natural hair easy!
Remember, there is no good or bad hair.
Their natural hair may be different, but that’s ok. with the right work and consistency, managing your tiny curlfriend’s hair becomes easy!
Treat their hair like it’s yours.
Your reaction to their hair matters. You may not be able to use the same products but extend the same level of grace and patience to your tiny curlfriend’s hair as you would your own
Take the time to learn their curls
having a better understanding of their hair increases your likelihood of success. Focus less on curl type and porosity and more on the characteristics of the hair that will affect styling and care.
Encourage them to embrace their curls.
Our hair is a large part of our identity. Allow your tiny curlfriends to love their hair no matter how they wear it and support and encourage them as they build curlfidence.
Have fun!
Their curls may shrink, bad hair days will happen, and sometimes, nothing will be perfect. It’s ok! Perfection is not the goal of natural hair care. Healthy hair is. Learn from mistakes, celebrate wins, and enjoy every minute!
Caring for your tiny curlfiend’s hair doesn’t have to be challenging.
You can help them look great, love their curls, build confidence in their natural journey, and build confidence in your ability to care for their curls in the process!
If you’re serious about easing the tension, overcoming perceived challenges, and making caring for your tiny curlfriends hair easy, visit Bold Kulure Beauty and let me help you! Success is not far! Let’s work together to help you ease the tensions and cultivate a stress-free natural journey for you and your tiny curlfriend.
I’ve created a group just for you! Get your questions answered and become fully equipped to care for your tiny curlfriends hair. Join my Facebook group, “Natural Hair For Foster Moms.” Get the tools, support, and access you need to make caring for your tiny curlfriend’s hair easy!
You don’t have to be a mom or a foster parent to join. If you need help, I’m here for you.