Confessions of a Curly Girl: Gems for Your Journey 2
gems success natural hair
Our natural journeys are full of lessons learned and gems to share. Today I’m continuing to pay it forward because your success is paramount to me. If you’re joining me for the first time, make sure you check out my previous post, Part 1 of these gems, to get caught up on all my valuable keys to success.
Now, Let’s continue with these lessons learned and equip you for success on your natural journey.
Shrinkage is par for the course
My hair grows in fine, tightly coiled strands, and because it is not as weighty as some of my curly counterparts, it always appears to be a flourishing TWA. I’m sure some of my tightly coiled friends can attest that to this. Let me assure you that it is a regular occurrence for most naturals regardless of the appearance of their curls. Don’t get discouraged. Your hair is growing. Hangtime isn’t as important as health, and trust me. Shrinkage can be a good sign. If you feel that your hair growth is stagnant, take a quick moment to compare how far you’ve come. I’ll guarantee you’ll be surprised.
Everyone’s curls won’t be silky, and that’s ok.
Fine, coarse strands, that’s me. Effective advertising had me seeking products to create looks that my hair wasn’t designed to achieve. The characteristics of your curls may not support the “shiny/wet” look. At some point, you will have to come to terms with that. Learn more about your curls. Develop an understanding of how your hair should look and feel when it is healthy and cared for properly. Moving forward, make that your goal, not a silky appearance. With the proper foundation, you can embrace your curls, create an environment that allows them to thrive, and comfortably and confidently master natural hair care.
Protective styles don’t always protect
This is not a full-out assault on all protective styles. It is simply a warning to be intentional about the styles you choose, how they are executed, and how long you leave them in place. While I still appreciate the beauty and usefulness of these styles, it wasn’t unit I began examining my hair that I realized that the things I thought were protecting me we causing me harm. Braids, wigs, and weaves may be your thing, but please be mindful that styles done improperly can damage your hair. Traction alopecia is real and, in some cases, nearly impossible to recover from. Remember to do your research, be intentional about execution and care, and save them edges!
The best stimulator for hair growth is a healthy lifestyle and regular maintenance.
We all want our hair to be thick, bountiful, and flowing down our backs. We will try almost anything to make this happen and, in most instances, not too much avail. Your efforts create little change because the primary factor in determining how thick and lush your hair will be is genetics. There are no magic pills or hair potions that can make up for genetics and healthy hair care habits. Learn more about your curls, Invest in a solid routine, keep up with routine maintenance, and let me help you! Simple lifestyle modifications directed at making yourself healthier in conjunction with the proper knowledge and consistent healthy hair practices will keep your curls healthy, happy, and thriving!
If you don’t love it, it won’t matter what anyone else thinks.
Take every step necessary to embrace your curls. Learn to be happy with what you have and stop comparing yourself to others around you. We can be our worst critics but should be our biggest supporters and most significant source of grace. Beauty begins with self-love and manifests through confidence. Love yourself, be confident in your curls how they are, and others will follow.
Your journey is your own. Own it. There may be frustrations, but it is just hair. Don’t let it consume you, and don’t forget to smile through this process. Regular maintenance and a consistent routine are your hair’s best friend, and whatever you’re rocking, be bold! Confidence is key!
Feeling the need to become intentional about your hair but need help navigating natural hair care and identifying and achieving realistic goals? I can help! Visit Bold Kulture Beauty, schedule a discovery call, and let me empower you to reach your hair goals and confidently and comfortably master natural hair care!
The Curlfriend’s Guide It Could All be So Simple Wash Day 101
gems success natural hair gems success natural hair