Helping You Truly Love Your Curls
What would it take for you to truly love your curls?
I get it. Natural hair care can be complicated. It can be time-consuming, and our current approach to natural hair care can often make it difficult for us to really love our curls. We see so many pictures of what our curls should be but rarely take the time to appreciate what they are.
So, what would it take for you to truly love your curls? What realities would you have to accept, and how hard would it be for you to get there? Struggle is not a given on your natural hair journey.
Need help seeing your curls for real and being able to truly love them? Let me tell you why I the perfect person to help!
Allow me to introduce myself
Hey Curlfriends! I’m Kristal, a clinical pharmacist and natural hair advisor dedicated to changing others’ lives by changing the way we view natural hair care. I’ve spent the last few years unlearning all of the misconceptions I’m sure we were all intruded to on our natural journeys and relearning the FACTS that matter.
Now it’s my mission to empower Black women to feel beautiful by giving them the tools for success, support, and access necessary to make natural hair care easy. I know what it takes to love your curls. Now, I’m here to help you do the same and start your healthy hair journey!
What does a pharmacist know about hair care?
Beyond my ability to dissect the big words and understand ingredients, my intimate knowledge of the facts enables me to break down the “complexities” of natural hair care and deliver them to you in a way that makes natural hair care easy!
Knowing where to go to get the facts, how to dispel the myths, and break down the information seamlessly so that you can understand. That makes me excellent at what I do!
The clinical skill and the know-how that I have developed over the last 15 years of breaking down the complex with facts and making things simple. That’s how this comes so naturally to me.
Now, I’m here to dispel the myths about natural hair care and show you that it is possible to see your curls, love them, and make natural hair care easy!
I’m not that different than you
I’ve been where you are and had the same struggles, insecurities, and frustrations. I understand the heartache of devoting all my time and energy to achieving my hair goals but getting very little in return. The difference? I’ve come out of the struggle victorious. Now, I’m here to share my secrets of loving your curls and making natural hair care easy with you!
It wasn’t until I took a close hard look at what I was doing that I realized that things could be better.
Changing my view of natural hair care opened my understanding, changed my perspective. And it allowed me to love my curls and ushered in a better way to care for my natural hair.
That’s exactly what I want to do for you! Remove significant barriers to success and give you the tools, support, and access necessary to love your curls and make natural hair care easy.
So, yeah, I’m qualified, and I’m ready and willing to give you the tools you need to succeed!
To find out more about ways that I can help you love your curls and make natural hair care easy, visit Bold Kulture Beauty today and say hello to a better way to do natural hair care.
The Curlfriend’s Guide It Could All Be So Simple Wash Day 101