Kept Curls: Maintaining Definition From Wet To Set
Are you struggling to maintain definition once your styles dry?
Wash day curls can evoke a roller coaster of emotions. One minute your curls are poppin’. The next, you’re staring at as definition-less afro and wondering where all the curls have gone. You’ve tried every product under the sun, and you’re beginning to feel like wash and go’s aren’t your thang.
Sound familiar? No worries, you’re not alone, and if you landed here, you’re in luck! Today, we’re getting to the root of your problem and talking all about simple solutions for maintaining your curls from wet to set.
Start with clean hair
A golden rule for styling your hair and creating styles that last is to start with clean hair. Achieving clean hair requires that you shampoo your hair and do it regularly. Shampoo is essential to remove all the dirt, debris, and product build-up that prevents your curls from living their best life. If maintaining your curls from wet to set is the goal, grab the shampoo first and start with a clean canvas.
Use enough water
We often think that the solution to getting our curls poppin’ is to use more products. When it comes to quality products, water is the key to enhancing definition in our styles. The right amount of water will activate the products, allow them to spread evenly throughout your curls, elongate your curls, and prevent the stickiness from the over-application of products.
Apply the products evenly
Now there are several ways to apply products to your hair. The key to maintaining your curls from wet to set is to ensure even distribution of your products. Even distribution does not always require more products. The right balance between your products and water and adequately executing your products’ application ensures your hair is thoroughly covered.
Don’t touch
When we see our curls poppin, the first thing we want to do is touch them. Don’t succumb to the temptation. Manipulating your hair before it has time to set leads to frizz and loss of definition. Maintaining our curls from wet to set requires that we leave them alone as they dry.
Use a dryer
Many of us can’t resist the urge to keep our hands out of our hair, and others would prefer not to have wet hair all day. Using a hooded dryer or diffuser is an excellent option in either case. Using a dryer captures your curls in their elongated state and quickly forms the cast necessary for curls that last. With the right techniques and a clean canvas, accelerated drying can be the final step in maintaining your curls from wet to set.
Creating wash day magic is a process that requires patience, consistency, and the right work. The right steps paired with the proper techniques create curls that pop, styles that last, and hair that thrives. To discover what it takes to master your natural journey and get the tools you need to succeed, visit Bold Kulture Beauty!
Wash Day 101 The Curlfriend’s Guide It Could All be So Simple