Setting Realistic Expectations For Salon Visits
Do you have a curly stylist? Many naturals like to take a DIY approach to natural hair care, but some things admittedly we can’t or at least should not do ourselves. When selecting…
Why I Stopped Using The Hair Typing Chart
Question of the week: Does knowing your hair type affect the way you care for your hair? The simple answer is no, but I’ll walk you through how I came to that conclusion…
Hair Typing: Useful Or Useless?
How does knowing your hair type affect how you care for your hair? What is your hair type? This question is one of the most commonly asked questions in many natural hair groups.…
Lessons Learned From Protective Hairstyles
Do protective hairstyles protect your hair? This week’s question drew inspiration from the ongoing debate surrounding protective styling. While I appreciate the versatility and convenience of a protective hairstyle, my answer to this…
Protective Hairstyles: Simple Steps To Prevent Damage
Do Protective hairstyles protect your hair? Protective hairstyles have come a long way since I donned them in my youth. Though many things have changed, our love for and reliance on them remains…
Quick Fixes: Go-To Looks To Extend Wash Day
Question of the week How long does your hairstyle last? For me, longevity in a hairstyle is a must. Having long since given up mid-week washes and daily refreshes, I need my styles…
Simple Steps For Longevity In Your Hairstyles
How long does your hairstyle last? This straightforward question has managed to create a small level of anxiety for many naturals providing the answer. Naturally, we want our styles to last. For many,…
How focusing on health changed my curls
Question of the week: How do you identify healthy curls? This week’s question of the week helps us discover that the health of our curls goes beyond appearance. In the early stages of…
All That Glitters: Simple Steps to Identify Healthy Curls
How do you identify healthy curls? For many, the health of our hair is based solely on appearance. This approach is not entirely wrong. However, all that glitters isn’t gold! Experience has taught…
Lesson Learned From My Wash Day Fails
Question of the week: Has a popular product ever let you down? Yes, Yes, Yes! On my natural journey, I have experimented with several different products. In the process, I have experienced many…